Ring with large burgundy coloured stone on silver band on a hand resting on a wooden block

Demec Jewellers

Our jewellery is made with a special palm seed from the Amazon Jungle used 200 years ago in the manufacture of fine products like buttons, handles of fine furniture, walking sticks, carvings and miniatures, instead of real ivory.

The seed is known as vegetable ivory because its colour, hardness and density are very similar to animal ivory. It is used for re-foresting the Amazons and is considered the only natural and eco-friendly substitute for it.

Using this material requires a lot of patience because the seeds must be allowed to dry naturally from 2 to up to 20 years to gain the hardness required to be carved. The older the seed the more valuable it becomes.

To reflect this, Demec Jewellers created a classification based on the age and quality of the seeds:

The young seeds (less than 10 years old) are called Genteel and are used for costume jewellery, and the older seeds (over 20 years old) called Princess are used for fine and very fine jewellery.


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